Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grandma hair

I was in my bedroom folding socks and my 7 year old son comes bounding into the room, complaining about a spot on his head that never feels brushed, no matter how short his hair is. I take a quick look to make sure there really isn’t anything wrong with his head. Nothing there but a cowlick. So I explain to him that it’s a cowlick and that his grammie and great-grammie have the exact same one in the exact same spot. He seems interested, so I take a minute to explain basic genetics and how some physical traits can be passed from generation to generation. He listens for a bit with that slightly glazed expression that says I am boring him again, then turns and runs out of the room. In the living room, I hear him exclaim to his older sister “Sissy, I have grandma hair!” 

Hmmm... perhaps he DID get that lesson after all!  Now I'm wondering what ELSE he is picking up on when I think he's not paying attention...

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